Monday, June 9, 2014

Field Trip

Today we had a field trip to the Bradley Hubbell House and the Adam's School House.  What was your favorite part of today's class trip? What did you learn?
In your response be sure to include:
- At least 7 complete sentences
- Capitals and correct punctuation
- Specific details
- Your name

Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer Reading Reviews

Readers Who Are Ready For A
Relaxing Summer Of Reading Have
What better way to get prepared for summer reading, than to get a list of book reviews written by your own classmates? You can use these reviews as suggestions for books to have on deck for your summer reading.
Write a review of one of your favorite 'Just Right' books.
Be sure to include the title and author, as well as a brief summary (without giving the ending away). Be sure to include reasons why you would recommend this book to your classmates.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Peabody Museum

What was your favorite part about the Peabody Museum field trip? What did you learn?

In your response be sure to include:
- At least 7 complete sentences
- Capitals and correct punctuation
- Specific details
- Your name
Make sure your response reads fluently when you are finished!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Favorite Restaurant

What is your favorite restaurant? Why?
What is your favorite dish to get?

In your response be sure to include:
- At least 7 complete sentences
- Capitals and correct punctuation
- Specific details
- Your name
Make sure your response reads fluently when you are finished!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Superhero powers

You all dressed as superheroes on Friday! 
If you could have any superhero power, what would it be? Why?

In your response be sure to include:
- At least 7 complete sentences
- Capitals and correct punctuation
- Specific details
- Your name
Be sure your response reads fluently when you are finished!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


What is your favorite season? Why?
In your response be sure to include:
- At least 7 complete sentences
- Capitals and correct punctuation
- Specific details
- Your name
Be sure your response reads fluently when you are finished!

Monday, April 28, 2014


If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go? Why?
***Write at least 7 complete sentences.***  
They should begin with a capital.
They should end with correct punctuation.
They should be detailed.
They should each contain a subject and a predicate.
Be sure to write your first name and last initial at the end of your post. 
Be sure your response reads fluently when you are finished!